Just like this mornin', 2 half-boiled eggs with Gardenia bread.
Afternoon, white rice with home-cooked bean sprouts and eggs fried with onions.
Tea time, A cuppa tea and 2 self prepared ham sandwiches with lotsa mayo and chilly sauce.
Dinner, horfun + bihun with soup packed from a local hawker. Something wrong here, eat way too many eggs...

Besides sleepin', did the dishes, laundry, mail a letter for mum, and ugh... ONLINE most of da time =) What I do online you may ask... I watched 2 movies today! one of it being Prayers for Bobby under the recommendation of Green once again. The other would be The Matthew Shepard Story. Hmm... I liked Prayers for Bobby. And I am not afraid to admit that I cried a couple of times. It's a true story based on a real life experience. Throughout the movie, I wasn't mad at Bobby's mum cos I know all she wants is to set her family on the right path. The sad part is she doesn't realize that her ignorance and unwillingness to understand his gay son is what that has caused so much pain to her son. I guess this movie also clearly shows what people are nowadays. They choose ignorance and when they lost the person they love only that they would learn to accept and treasure. Sad indeed.

Is it too late when we lose someone only we realize of our mistake?
I don't think so. Certainly its painful. It won't be easy to overcome the losses. But it's also from these mistakes that we better ourselves. I believe its never too late for anything because its always better to be late than never. Agree? I really hope that everyone out there be it straight or queer would take some time to watch this movie. Treasure the ones you love and try to understand each other.

Gay is not a disease. It needs no cure. God has set the world to be a colourful one. Embrace diversity~
To Homophobics, put yourself in our shoes before you say a word be it from your mind or your referred textbooks or Bible.
Mary Griffith,
"Before you echo Amen in your home or place of worship, think and remember.
A child is listening"
~You are never too late~
finally u also watched it, good le...i also cried few times...touching
It is the harshness of life's experiences that creates awareness and makes us better people, but only if we wanna learn from them.
Nice post, keep it up! ^_^
Nice post. Yep,parents do have to watch their behavior when they are in front of the kids.Monkey see,monkey do
I also praying for those who have not even accepted themselves!
3 cheers for Pastor William! hehe
Oh my god Bernard, your finals ended meh?? So soong lo, I still have one more Bitchiness to go!!! WAIT ME!!!
Orange, you cry-baby! don't talk to me! wakaka~
Gratitude, agree with you! Where there is a will there is a way. If we dont have to will to learn, we just wont wanna learn.
Ichi, yeps. But sometimes those old timers are just too hard headed. I always try to sway my mum to think like me. hahaha! My conservative mum ain't so conservative now.
William, Amen!
Jerry, all da best in ur exams =)
you are so dead if i see you, i am so going to twist ur head
Orange, twist my head??? I gonna give u some Taekwondo kick tasting... wakaka...
is it a new movie? dont know can download online or not hahaha...i watched 3 movies yesterday hhehe
Manglish, not a new movie. Its available on youtube too. Should be downloadable from certain webs. Enjoy =)
i wanna watch it too!
Have not heard of this movie before! But I agree, we should accept everyone as he or she is, whether straight or otherwise!
Btw, thanks for dropping by my blog : )
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