2 hours later I lined up again to see what other movies are available. And to my surprise there was a cute guy at one of the counters. In my heart was going, "Please let me go to his counter! Please! Ring the bell! Me! Me! Me!" As if fated that we will meet. He quickly finished of the current customer and rang the bell. I took my time walking slowly towards him. And waited for him to greet me. Gosh! His eyes could have killed me! They were sending strong currents to my heart. Its pumping faster than normal. I can feel every pulse of it.
I asked for tickets for 2012 at 5.15 pm and was damn lucky as there were 2 more seats at the back available. phew! I forgot to present my student card on purpose~ LOL! "sir, next time whenever you go to any cinema, please present your student card 1st", he said that with a smile I swear I could have faint! He iz not chinese(I think). He has that mixed Thai look. Sorry for the poor picture quality though =(
2012 was a good watch. Made me laugh for the early parts of the movie. LOL! The whole cinema was so quiet. Breaking the silence was my extremely loud laugh and I thought it was a comedy. To my surprise, no one laughed along =.=" Why is everyone so serious. Perhaps they don't get the joke~
A few parts of the movie did manage to touch me. The sensitive and emotional side of Bear came out and tears was feeling my eyes for a fraction of a moment. LOL! Those part when they show ppl dying and all... But the tears only stayed in my eyes. Too little to roll down my cheek. LOL! Overall, a not to be missed show of the year. I have been leaving comments in other blogs regarding the way I wanna die if the world comes to an end. That is to have sex on that day! hahaha! I don't wanna die a virgin yea :p
p.s: I went to the movies ALONE! hu wanna be my bf? :p
~Is my student card applicable to a dinner for 2 of us?LOL~
oohh... we can do a group movie outing next time...
LOL, u shld ask who doesn't want to be ur bf...i dun think anyone would say anything, everyone wants to be ur bf, haha
Die a virgin??! HAHAHA! Nonsense la you. Maybe you should go buy more tickets at MV to see that guy you were swooning on. And hey, I've always wanted to watch a movie alone but don't dare cuz it would seem weird. Heheh. Maybe I should round up my courage and try it someday. :D
He addressed you as sir... Proven that he might be younger than you. Actually watching movie alone seems very sad but when the last thing you need is companion, watching movie alone is paradise....
You should have flirted. :P
Huh? you want a bf juz as a partner for movies? :P
Pikey, sure sure... that would be fun!
Orange, you exaggerating la :p
Evann, why everyone thinks watching movie alone is lonely or pathetic or whatever it is. We don't talk during the movie right???
Brian, I watch movie alone half of the time lor. Okay wad... I can move at my own pace and do whatever i want. No need wait for others or discuss what to do. But, havin a love one watching together should be a different feel. Nvr try b4 LOL...
William, I not as pro and experience as you le. I wanted to flirt, but shy lar~ haha...
Gratitude, Of cos not just a partner for movie la~ You know the other 'bed activities' that William talked about. LOL!
bernard, u so desperate ka? hahaha
Leu, YESH!!! Beh tahan lar~ Single so long ady... I need to be in someones arms! ARGH!!!
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