Coincidentally, his name is Bernard. Am I not in love with him. Ain't he not gorgeous. Not the one on top, silly. You guys have actually seen his photos a couple of times. Yes! Its none other. You guessed it. This young lad has been sleeping so much that the mum had to put him to work. Best of all, the sisters love his cooking =.=" They complain about mums cooking but not his. That iz unfair!
~Get me my lunch Bernard!~
LOL, bernard~ get me my shoes, i want my hot chocolate, imporated from arabic, i want it NOW!!!!!
Wa so kelian.. My house lacks a maid for a few months too. Although still manage to survive, we still need one to do the work.. ><
bernand from Indonesia ar? KAKAKAKKAAKA
How delicious!
Orange, yes sir! You want them thrown out? LOL!
LM, erm... I have always been the 'maid'. Just that recently made official. hahaha!
Manglish, I always knew I am not a local. Many kept askin' if I am a foreigner :P
William, Don't drool there yea. Or else I would have to go over to ur house to clean it up. hahaha :P
Can i move in?
"not the one on top"?????
So that Bernard must be the one at the bottom, kan? lolz
My house needs cleaning too! So how much do you charge an hour? :)
Haha! Good on ya! You should be proud that your cooking's good! Exploit your talent! :)
Good lo... got such a cutie maid, maybe can ask him to scrub yr back in shower.... and maybe next time post a pic of him in your blog too.
u got a male maid?!? GOSH~
My apartment needs cleaning ... any chance that i can borrow your mom's maid to do some cleaning @ my place?
aww...... I need that maid. HE can cook and clean! Excellent candidate. :P
Hi, brave bear! Thanks for visiting my blog!
Err... I'm new here, so do you mean the maid is you? Haha! Good! Don't be so lazy, get up and do some work!! : )
Come to think of it, have I commented on your blog before? I forgot already!! Because visited too many blogs! LOL!
Oh yes! Now I recalled I commented here before! *malu* :p
Ichi, sure u can move in! You can take my place as the new maid :p
Gratitude, harrr!!!! The bottom picture yes! your comments are most interesting... hahaha!
Savante, I don't normally charge but since you asked for it I will have to come up with one. Headache @.@
Evann, my cooking good??? Nono... The reason why they dont complain iz to make me the chef! While they kick back and relax. T.T
Pikey, =.=" the maid is me... I wish I have a twin brother though :p
Leu, nice right... how many ppl have that. My mum and sis should appreciate 'him' better. hahaha!
TZ, I thought u already have 1 maid. Wait... you don't have a male maid :p
C'est la vie, he CAN cook and clean. But the quality... hmm... can be improved. LOL!
Foongpc, you are not new here. hm... very observant of you. I am lazy. I am the new maid.
Foongpc, yes! you have came here before. Must be hard for you to remember. So many blogs fo you to visit. I understand that :p
Foongpc, yupsss... you commented here before. You trying to get me infected by ur H10N10 virus aint you! I fell for it! hahaha!
I can't believe my ears got MALE maids! you not kidding me aahh? I only knew women hiring toy boys cum maids in Jakarta......but Malaysia?
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