I must be out of my mind! I just had 1 paper this morning and guess what... I only revised in the morning at 8 then straight go exam hall at 10.30. I hope mum don't see this post(I know she wont :D). OMFG! I can't believe I did that(for the very 1st time)! cramming all the points in my head within that time limit early in the morning was seriously killin' my brain cells. :S What a naughty little bear.
Read the latest chapter of Naruto and Bleach. Was hoping for more action and less talk. Is it just me or does anyone agree with me? Anyways, will be sittin' for the next paper tomorrow evening. Certainly hope I could get my head into the game. My concentration has been off these days and mum certainly wouldnt like it! Hopefully can maintain my grades to her satisfaction. Work harder Bernard!
Somehow I don't like the previous dream that I posted. My own interpretation of the dream:
The beautiful setting is what all gay wants. To live happily as who we really are. Crystal clear skies and flowers =) But then there is this dark clouds that forms an image of a giant octopus that wants to destroy us(Hatred/homophobia?). The happy family that ran pass me towards the monster kinda signal that its what the society is(supporting homophobia?). They ran in the opposite direction with ease(straight life?) while I struggled just to take a step(hardships of leading gay life?). And finally the giant octopus trying to swallow me(break what that is left of me?). I really wonder. What does the dream mean? I dont know about it but I certainly know that the giant Tako is definitely EVIL and wants me gone.
Anyone knows how to interpret dreams?
~Not a fan of Takoyaki~
Dreams are normally opposite of what you think they are. :P
Study hard yea! Don't be a naughty boy anymore =D
Dreams are nice to interpret but honestly, nobody could.
It's better to go out into the world and turn wishful dreams into reality :)
Have a great weekend!
I agree with ur points about the Manga,talk and more talk.Pls kick some Aizen or Sasuke or Madara butts soon
dreams are illusions and are not real. so why be bothered about it?
hey, thanks for following my blog. i enjoyed urs as well. dont worry to much about ur dreams. dont waste ur time interpreting them as well. lol. i have numerous bad ones that leaves me waking up screaming as well. haha.
William, I hope so... Its scary that sometimes what I dream comes true and somehow I felt like reliving a day. Deja vu?
LM, yups! hahaha...
Gratitude, agree with you. Just that sometimes I find myself going through the dreams in reality and it scares me.
Ichi, fight fight fight! RAWR!!!
Medie007, sure enough that most of them are illusions but its another thing when they do come true in reality. Just hope that this 1 of those illusions.
Clayden, hi! well, I am not that worried. Just that trying to interpret it seems quite fun! haha!
I hope your wet dreams come true.
William, I hope I have wet dreams... LOL! Never had 1 how to come true...
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