I still remember the night I was at a friends house. It was at the dining table. 4 guys chatting away. Games. Siblings. Books. Topics that are of common interest. Things were going fine until one of them started talking about homosexuals. I was kinda speechless when they suddenly talk about it. They talked about how they hated gays. They even said that if they were ever to know if any of their friends are gay they would never befriend them any longer. I was still in the closet at that time. I wanted to just say out loud that I am gay. But I was scared. Afraid that I would end up alone. Sitting there hearing them trash talk of how gays play ass. Saying how they were disgusted. Saying how the gays always dress up with exp clothes because they are rich. Those were my friends. I was devastated by what they had said. That night, it propelled me to take a step out of the closet. I started reading more blogs. Talk to more people. Slowly opening to friends. I realized that if they couldn't accept me then it's too bad. Having that said, I have them to thank for because if it was not for them I might still be in the pitiful closet.
3 weeks ago
Apparently your move to come-out is non-regrettable one, bravo-bear!
We are truly a misunderstood bunch.
Well, I hope that you guys are still friends, and that one day they can be re-educated to understand us, and drop the homophobia...
Are they still your friends?
Well, maybe u need to ask are they ur true friends, if they are...probably they will accept the truth. :)
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