You know how we always get friend request in facebook. With the amount of gay people on our friend list they somehow get to us and wants to add us on FB. There was one particular old man that I add back when I just joined FB. He first appear to be nice and friendly. Talking to me as if he was parenting me. I played along. When he said he could be a nice daddy to me I just replied with a smile. I honestly thought he was just being nice. Up until few days ago we chatted again. As usual the greetings and concerns. Then we touched on the topic of sex and anal. He kept telling me that I have to try anal. As if trying to force it onto me. Somehow I think he wants to fuck me. I had it with him and told him I wanna go shower. With nerves of steel, the horny dog asked if I could show him my dick. Mind me, he is a married man in his middle age with kids. And he even knows that I already have a bf. Repulsive. Without hesitation I deleted him from FB and blocked him msn.
3 weeks ago
*applauses* good job in blocking =D
Ah... dan tunjuk belang.
haha~ market demand getting high liao :)
Fuyooh ganas! :)
doggie wan to ride-ride ma..:PP
The Bear RAWRS!
Haiz... his poor wife! luckily you're not the easy prey for these guys.
its not that surprising..the old man just showed you the act of just glad that u had the presence of mind to not fall for the fake attention and care..there are plenty out there who crave for that...maybe for them some attention and care could make a worthy anal substitute...
but..good job blocking the desperate uncle
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