As always my mum will get all the food stuff like almonds, pistachios, dried peach and sweets. We will order homemade cookies from a nearby market in Kepong. I like trying the new cookies so the traditional ones are hardly found in my home. Since I love chocolate alot most of the cookies that I order are chocolate based. 1 fact about me, I HATE pineapple tarts and bee hive with sesame seed. Mum do not know what I hate so I have to make the orders or else no one will be eating the leftover cookies after all the visitations.
Since this year my 'frenz' decided not to visit my house there is plenty of food and drink left. How awesome! More food for the bear. I have to be honest here, I have a really picky tongue when it comes to eating. Eventhough I am quite a DBKL but I will criticize the food while eating them. I did went on several house visitations and the food & beverages that they serve was utter disappointment. Very traditional cookies and they are all the SAME! No taste at all. So sorry if you are reading this but in my humble opinion, a new year should have some new stuff around. If it's all the same old stuff how new is the new year? Think about it!!!
Let's change the spotlight to my mum now. She loves people visiting our house. She loves giving out angpao(red packets). She thinks that whenever guests take a visit to our house we should serve them with good food and beverages. Make sure they are satisfied. Turn on the air-conditioner just for them as we hardly ever use it unless there are guests. And despite my mum is a single mum taking care of a family of 4, she guarantees an above average amount in the red packets. Every year my 'frenz' will receive a 5. Close friends will receive a 10. Same goes to those that I always mention to my mum about how they have helped me and treat me. YES!!! My mum knows who are my friends and who are my 'frenz'. She knows who treats me well. since this year the 'frenz' ain't visiting, some of my friends received a 20! YES, it's a 20! Believe it. I have never recieved a 20 from anyones mum.
~The mother bear rewards true friends with lots of honey~
MommyBear is really generous. If friends can get RM20, then even more for her own bear? :)
Gimme ur address,I'm coming over
Please prep up your mum for my visit in 2011. LOL.
I really appreciate your mom's generosity :)
Lol...pineapple tart so nice...hahaha..my mom do alot chocolate with almond ( not cookies)...your house got Peach Justea??..I love Peach Tea...Lol..you so picky, no wonder choose salmon lol...:p
overseas frenz counted or not har? kirim ok ar? :)
oh in that case, pls brainwash ur mum abt me, tell her im supernice buddy of urs. then next cny, i shall pay u a visit.
and im a dbkl too, and i love pineapple tarts, bee hive and chocolates :P so i can help u if u dun want ur honey worry abt weight gain problem :P
Can still visit boh? T.T
If not, prep me along with Suneo for 2011 XD
Some things were meant to be the same ma...tradition. Otherwise, we'll get different coloured ang pows every year, not that i mind la. It's the content that counts right? hehe
p/s you are the 1st person i know that hatez pineapple tarts. :P
not really a fan of pineapple tarts as well, but i drink those carbonated drinks like plain water over CNY. wakakakkakaka
in contra to yours, my family does not fancy giving angpao. they give, but the amount is terribly disappointing. rm 2 from daddy and rm 2 from mummy. no one comes to my house because it's small. it's not spacious. and parents do not like visitors. hmm...
[Jino] - A man's not a man unless he knows how to shoot
hehe my mum is kinda like that too.. she really enjoys having guests at home and strives to be a good host! :)
Invite me next year...I 'll come with the most sinful choc cake :)
aiya, i should have visit to take angpow frm ur mum la~ :P
my mum is kinda like that also....but our house don't have air cond....
dovey, yups... more for bear of cos. kekeke ^__^
Ichi, Will, Happy, Mark, carpe diem, L2, all are welcomed. Next year make sure to come lor. hahaha!
Pikey, I love my mum!
Nicky, peach Justea? I used to adore them too. But now change to grape with aloe vera.
Manglish, mesti datang melawat rumah ler...
Gratitude, yes yes! What's inside that counts.
Medie, eww... Carbonated... Stay away from me!!!
Jino, not really a contra. My house is small too but my mum just loves visitors. Plus 2 from dad and 2 from mum makes a 4! okay oso ah!
J-boy, our mums are the same! =)
Count a, not much difference lor! We only switch it on during the festivals.
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