Full of Crap

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Many people bullshit all the time. But some people gets all the attention they want coz they are good looking and popular among their peers. Whatever shit they post on their facebook always get commented. Bcoz of that, these people tend to update their facebook like~ every 2 to 3 hours. Ever encounter these type of people? 

Examples of things they say...
Gals fight, frens tmr..
Guys fight, dunno when cn end..
A leader is a good leader if he/she has good followers...
What the fking bullshit is this?!!! Tons of no-brainers will like their post and say they agree. Are you freaking kidding me?! Let's take the 2nd example, If Najib were given a group of good followers then he is a good leader? What kinda shit ass logic is this? But seriously, our government is actually kinda smart to deliberately educate students to be stupid. In the end it's easier to control a bunch of idiot.


Bravebear said...

TZ, I really do think so. It's bcoz they don't even know they are being controlled. That's why they are idiots.

ladyviral said...

isn't that all true? got money got followers? hahaha! free sex followers too? =3

2-3 hours per post is still ok... I have a friend that post every 10minutes -_-;

Each time I log in my facebook I see this friend's post all over my news feed =3.

Oh thanks for dropping by my blog and following it ^_^v. Will do the same for yours.

Vincent~ said...

introduce them twitter.... it find it quite annoying to the point tat i chose to hide their status update from my new feed. Especially those emo post, GAWD...

Anonymous said...

agree, more and more people actually post almost all the time, they check in everywhere they go, as if they are superstars....haha

Yenyl said...

Well, addiction to attention ?

I AM A BLOGGER said...

hohoho~ a sign of popularity ^^ or just a bunch of attention seekers~

juz ignore them^^

xu.xu.moi said...

agree and so true.
even these days i can't find a good blog post to read.
i have to arrange my blog lists monthly to kick out those unreadable ones.

Twilight Man said...

I am Grandma, the Queen of Bullshits... someone called me that! It doesn't matter that I got the attention for wrong reasons. At least I am being noticed.