I have this habit of picking my nose. I used to think it is gross and should never be done in public. But not so long ago I discover a new fetish of mine. To pick nose regardless it is mine or not! LOL! When dardar go to bed. I disturb him by picking his nose. When he sleeps too much I will also do the same. wakakaka! Next is when I see people picking their nose during a traffic congestion, I will do the same while looking at them until they notice me. Definitely a good tease when I saw this malay lady laughed after seeing me pick my nose coz she was doing the same thing. The final one was EPIC! My classmate wanted to make me cheat in the exam and presented the pinky swear. I pretended I was gonna do it but put my pinky into my nose instead and she felt gross. The whole idea of cheating was never brought up again. LOL!
3 weeks ago
@@hmmmm, interesting fetish~~
eeeewww... gross....
hahahaha it's weird and twisted but i guess that's what makes it a fetish! :)
OMG!... I only enjoy digging my own gold mine!
Thank heavens you hadn't gone all the way to savour the booger. :P
Salmon booger, now that's an exotic treat! wakakaka
dont lick your fingers! DONT TOUCH ME! muahaha
[Jino] - A man's not a man unless he knows how to shoot
hmm, I shouldnt be asking this... but issit a sexual fetish as well :p
do u get turned on by.... boogers?
ahaha just joking bbear... no but seriously... r u?
Salmon boogers!
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