I feel miserable at times. Not because dardar bully me. Not because I have to do reports or assignments or farmwork. Can you imagine how does it feel to bump into this cute guy almost everyday when you are in uni. I don't mean Mario Maurer but a guy that you are attracted to. Someone that exudes a certain aura that makes you feel like you are having a teenage crush. He has those cute puppy eyes that instantly melts your heart. He is so adorable that you wanna look at him as much as you can before he leaves the bus. Yeah... I met him countless times on the bus. Everytime I get to see him, I tense up. I shy away behind the bus seats trying to minimize the chances that he would notice me looking at him. Each time, there will be his 'fans' calling out his name "Alex, Alex, Alex...". Somehow these people always pop out of nowhere yelling his name out loud. I guess he is really popular. He doesn't carry anything most of the time. Perhaps he has his 'fans' to carry them. Sigh... I always remind myself that I already have a bf that cares about me. Someone that will be there for me whenever I need him. But it is really difficult to resist temptations when UPM have many cuties as well as hot hunky guys with perfectly sculpted 6 pack abs running around college area.
3 weeks ago
later your dardar eat vinegar wor.. actually i do that all the time too.. somemore infront of my bubu.. hahahaha
This is normal, which guy doesn't like cuties. Nothing wrong to ogle at someone so long your heart is with your dardar.
yar n in ur sleep with dardar u utter alex. :P
Hi Bravebear,
If I am not mistaken, Alex already has girlfreind. So, hope you feel better after knowing this. I am also from UPM and I think I know who you refer to coz I was in the same group with him in badminton last time. It is normal to have crush. Just relax and let it passes.
I really want to see this how Alex looks like, that he caught so many people's attention..
Causing undue stress to the salmon again, huh? XD
be loyal and faithful bah~~~
tuls, my dardar used to it jor... but that is just my inner feelings la...
skyhawk, well said...
Koala, my dardar probably is snoring too at the same time :p
Peacelover, I saw her last year. I know about it. But the future is not written on stone. Things can change. I understand where you are coming from and I appreciate it ^__^
pikey, piak piak!
william, usual lah~ hahaha!
Xjion, I will do my best! RAWR!!!
i really doubt alex, you know? you have 'different' and 'unique' taste.
support wiwisit! I LOVE WIWISIT!
[Jino] - A man's not a man unless he knows how to shoot
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