I was in class chatting away with Pat as usual. The lecturer teaching genetics arrived in the class and after sometime before the lesson starts, she striked a conversation.
Lect: You wear only 1 earring. You gay ke?
Bear: (stunned... after 2 months only she noticed) err...
Lect: You know, a guy that likes guys.
Bear: ...
Lect: If not then you think it's fashionable?
Bear: Yeah, cantik ma... (means it's beatiful)
Lect: Oh, lelaki pun mau cantik... (means guys also wanna look attractive)
I guess there are people that thinks you are gay as long as you have an earring regardless of which side. Right side is no longer the gay ear. As long as you have a single ear piercing you are auto-labelled as GAY! LMAO!
3 weeks ago
cikgu: you wear only one earring,you gay ker?
bear: cikgu pakai dua earring, cikgu ni SUPERGAY? hahahahahahah
cikgu: *fainted*
wait till she catches salmon and bear wearing the same striped outfit at the Curve. She'll need to apply minyak cap kapak! lolz
the lecturer knew bcos she teaches genetics. lolx... habis la u. u shud throw the question back. do u think its fashionable on me? wat makes u think a guy wearing earring means is gay. but u said cantik. lolx... it confirm to her ur gay. :P
smart bear.
lols @ Ant's comments.
what a busy-body kinda lecturer! and so what if ur gay? btw, lol at tuls's comment. hillarious!
Cikgu, I m gay...so what? LMAO!
i want to pierce my ears too (illegally) ^^
[Jino] - A man's not a man unless he knows how to shoot
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