The previous semesters, I would stay up late till about 3 and wake up early in the morning at 5 to study(I am the last minute type of person yea), but this sem I didn't even bother staying up late to study finish every single chapter. Smart? nonono! I am just an average student that barely memorize anything and gets through by bullshitting. Study is definitely not my forte and I really don't have a liking for it. All this while is my competitive nature that have been fueling me to study. And of cos to satisfy my mum and to keep her from mumbling. And you must have guessed it, I am chilling off the engine for now. Don't want it to overheat! hahaha...
Can't wait to get all these exams over with :P
~I need my beauty sleep~
Good luck!
All the best! The hols await....
good luck to u.
suffer now,enjoy later
Thanks everyone! Increasing my speed now!
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