Do you guys have annoying colleagues that don't know when to shut up? Or colleagues that acts macho and constantly display the "don't mess with me cos I am a huge ass macho man" attitude? Gosh... I don't know what is wrong with him but there is this guy who constantly trying to mess with me by spouting words to show his dominance or manliness. I really don't know how I should deal with it. I have always given the silent treatment to people who don't know when to shut up. I thought that by ignoring them and not responding to them, they would give up talking shit to me. It has worked on others but I just don't get why it didn't work on him. He prolly hated me for asking if his girlfriend is his older sister back when I first saw him eating with another girl at the cafeteria.
3 weeks ago
Maybe it's time to speak up
Yeah, we get shitty colleagues all the time, it's like an animal kingdom out there. There might be some possibility that's what hurt him. Probably need to address that with him tactfully. And be more careful to ask if a girl is one's sister next time. Who knows what can piss off people these days.
there's bound to be one or more of this kind in everyone's working place, haha, welcome to the working world
as long as the rest of the colleagues don't bother joining him ^^
[Jino] - A man's not a man unless he knows how to shoot
you DID not say that.!!
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