Another post from me. I recently just signed up as a member at Gorgeous Fitness. Obviously because my love is also a member there. Ah... the things I would do to be with my love. Funny thing about gym is that everyone there are like hamsters. Like how we would gather at a place (like a cage) then run around to use the equipments (like hamsters running around playing the various toys that they would play again and again) or running on the treadmill (most hamster like behaviour). Another thing about the gym is the people of coz. Ahem... Candies are nice but when it comes to workout time at the gym, a timid little scrawny kid like me can't help but to feel slightly intimidated by the mere presence of these bigger muscular hunks. sigh...
3 weeks ago
at least hamster stay cute when they stop playing, if guys stop they become fat and lumpy. Its a vicious cycle mannnn
You're cute hamster.
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