25th of February. Last friday at 8.25pm was the time I received a message from my mum. I was at Alamanda Putrajaya after watching Sanctum. I thought she was gonna ask me if I wanna go back home this weekend. Apparently not. It was an MMS written "I Love You". She had never said those words. Never wrote them. For a moment I was speechless. I never felt happier in my life. I had a feeling of belonging. An urge to go home and spend time with her. I know she is happy when I am home. Having me to talk to. I just wish I have the same courage to say those words to you. Mum, I Love You.
3 weeks ago
wah!!!! so power!! tibetibe... shit.. my mum will never say those words to me.. hm... good for you:) *hugs*
time to go home and spend time with mommy.
moms are the best.
aw~ so sweet~~~~~~~^^
Quick! Go back home and spend time with your mom! :)
Btw, what happened to your bf's blog? No longer in existence?
your post made me miss my mom
awww...thats nice :)
powerful words...
i love you.
now, while you on your way here, please stop by mcd and bring me a fillet-o-fish set. thanks :p
foogpc, he no longer wants to blog there. He will be blogging part time in my blog.
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