I was with J a couple of days ago and he hit me with a question. He asked me if my love for dardar was fading away. What he meant was that if our love have turned into a norm. Something that we do daily and no longer have the passion and infatuation we first started. The odd thing is, it took me some time to actually fall in love with him. Yes, it was not love at first sight. We were together and I wasn't in love with him from the start. Through the ups and down of our time together, I developed feelings for him. It struck me that I am in love with him when things went downhill and he suggested that we breakup. I guess there are times when I do take things for granted. That night I cried for quite some time. Hundreds of questions ran through my mind. It was only then I started to question if my feelings were real. I recall the things I have wanted to do with him but it all seems too late. From that moment on, I knew that my love for him is real. I am in love with him and I love him. And to answer J, I love him more and more everyday. I remember that I once told dardar, love is like a seed. We don't just plant it, we need to feed it with water and nutrients. It grows from care and commitment. Blossoming into a year old, it is only now that I truly understand what I once told him.
3 weeks ago
And you will both enjoy the harvest when the tree bears fruit.
for a moment there, i thought you two broke up. phew luckily is false alarm.
:) you've grown up my bear... Treasure more this seed of love and it will bring more happiness to everyone ya!
Hope to see your love blossom, don't ever let it fades...
Suggested breakup? >.< Please water carefully.
Make sure you tend that love carefully :)
most of the time the 'seed' grows so fast it reaches maturity and stop growing. that's when everything goes flat. but i am sure you know what to do to spark the romance ^^
[Jino] - A man's not a man unless he knows how to shoot
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