
Thursday, April 26, 2012

I woke up in the morning feeling really happy and excited as I thought it was already Saturday morning. I thought that I could finally meet dardar. This was because I have night shifts on Fridays. Obviously I woke up thinking it was Saturday. Then reality hit me. It was still Wednesday morning! Total devastation. I realize how much I really miss my love. The 2 weeks of separation is probably the longest we have ever been apart. 

Every single day I never stopped thinking about him. Whenever I see the mist I think about him. Dardar loves being in the mist and it is always misty here in the morning. 

Whenever I cook I also think my love. Reminds me how he always say he wanna cook for me to eat but ends up both of us cooking together.

Whenever I eat mangoes I would think of him. He always says that he likes bananas but wants to eat my mangoes. hmph...

That and so many more whenevers.


Anonymous said...

my god, u 2 love dirty talk eh? LOL

Unknown said...

it's just temporary ^^

[Jino] - A man's not a man unless he knows how to shoot

Jaded Jeremy said...

"He always says that he likes bananas but wants to eat my mangoes."

Hahaha apalah :)

I AM A BLOGGER said...

wow, so sweeet!

JokerPJ said...

banana or mango? lollll