I have actually started my part time work back in early May. I like going to work be it on Monday or Friday. The thing is, there are a handful of cute guys that I meet almost daily either on the LRT, KTM or shuttle bus. Motivates me to go to work somehow. LOL! I did mention about a beefy pilot in the KTM few weeks ago in Facebook. GAWD! He has so much meat I swear I felt like wanna have a BBQ right at that moment! Anyhow, just managed to capture a blur pic of him. Haiz... My K660i is damn lousy.

As for my work... Currently working as a call center agent in Sony. Early on was really stressful. Crazy consumers we have nowadays. Demands for many things. Somehow... Just somehow there seems to me that there are many Petaling Jaya clients that are just too ill mannered. Especially those above 30 years old. They just can't seem to communicate politely. Their answers are almost always short, with a slight taste of dissatisfaction. They also tend to speak in a way as if they are in a hurry with replies such as "yes", "Yea", "So?". Asking for their details and particulars is just a pain in the ass coz most of them are just simply inconsiderate. For example when I ask for their name they would just say out their full name ASAP. Then when I ask for them to spell it, they will spell it quickly all in one go with a grumpy tone and don't even care if u catch the correct spelling. Just compare hearing these name on the phone:
Lau Eng Sing, Low Ing Seng, Law Eng Xing (just imagine they expect u to know which spelling). Asking them to repeat the spelling is worse! A lot grumpier as if in that few seconds time spent on repeating could have gotten them the World Cup. They also have a tendency to get into a foul mood and just hammer away at how lousy Sony items and service. Many of them can also speak very LOUDLY, so loud as if they were shouting on the phone. Honestly, if you have come across some Africans you would most likely understand how these PJ people speak on the phone. No difference! Civilized? Then again, this is only true for the plentiful of PJ people that I have spoke through the phone.
p/s: The names mentioned in this post is purely made up.
~I can only laugh behind the phone of your grumpiness~
waaaaaaaaaaaaaa u very dangerous leh..secretly snapping ppl photos one ahahahaha
I guess it would depend on the nature of the call right? If they are calling because they have a problem with their sony products, it would be natureal for them to be in a foul mood?
just hang in there :)
Can kinda relate to the situation, just leave all the stupidity at work,if u don't, u'll biting off everyone's head
Look at his arm..wuhoo!
It's not easy to work in call center...anyway, since it's just a temp job...enjoy lah.
Working at a call center certainly is tough.
The guy ok wor....XD
hahaha, hv a nice working experience!
i am working too~~~i understand u..hahahah~~
welcome to the working world, hehe
Hello Brave Bear, I think this job serves as a good training ground for you to face the harsh working life. I respect you for your initiative to take up this unpleasant job.
Bernard... jiayou! I oso kena bullied in a small event job in PWTC where I worked as an usher. A guy beat me in the back when he thinks that I was rude... what a barbarian! Unlucky encounter...
And the guy's photo u post... he looks quite handsome wor... haha
Wah! So bad! Secretly snapping other people's photos! Bad! : )
Working in the service industry? Too bad, you have to accept the customer is ALWAYS right. So tahan with their bad manners, you have to.
I think those ppl who call dun really realize what they do is consider bad manners lor.....
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